AmberCon US
Ambercon USAmbercon USMarch 16-19, 2023March 16-19, 2023


Welcome to Ambercon! The next Ambercon - the thirty-third - will be from Thursday, March 16 through Sunday, March 19 2023!

Ambercon was originally devoted to Roger Zelazny's worlds of Amber and Phage Press's Amber Diceless RPG by Erick Wujcik. It has expanded over the years to encompass other diceless and indie RPGs of all kinds, and most recently Rite Publishing's Lords of Gossamer and Shadow, a new take and expansion upon the Amber Diceless gaming rules. Many games will expect some passing knowledge of at least the main characters and basic plot points of Zelazny's Amber novels.

Ambercon is a broad-spectrum diceless gaming and indie gaming convention! We've got superheroes, musketeers, characters from various fictional settings we won't name here due to fear of lawsuits, SOE operatives, cowboys, and, of course, Amber-based games... you name it, we'll game it!

Attending Ambercon US

New Authentication system.

We have a new authentication system. If you had an account for a previous Ambercon, you can link back to it by signing up again using the same email address as before and then confirming that email address. If you are a GM, this will give you option of copying games forward.

Login / Sign Up

Deadline dates this year

If you are accessing this site after February 3, 2023 , please contact the organizers by e-mail at before registering.

  • Registration Open: January 1, 2023
  • Membership payment in full: February 15, 2023
  • Games and Events due: January 17, 2023
  • Game Book preview to GMs: January 24, 2023
  • Game Books open for selections: January 30, 2023
  • Game Selections due: February 3, 2023
  • Schedule previews to GMs: February 9, 2023
  • Schedules SENT to all players: February 12, 2023